“Celtic knotwork is well-known as an artful way of illustrating everything from gospel manuscripts, and greeting cards, to forearms. But did you know that the act of drawing a celtic knot can be a form of quiet centering meditation? Think of it as being like walking a labyrinth, but with ordinary paper and an ordinary pencil in-hand instead of feet on the ground. If you are interested in learning how to draw beautiful simple celtic knots as an act of centering prayer then this may be the workshop for you. All materials will be supplied. Workshop 1: Basic Knots will run on Tuesday, March 10th from 10 am – Noon. Workshop 2: Adding a Few Twists will build on the skills learned in the first workshop and will run on Tuesday, March 24th from 10 am – Noon. Both workshops will be held in the Quiet Room at St James, Carleton Place. Pre-registration is required, so if you would like to attend please contact the office or add your name to the sign-up sheet when you’re in church.