Officiant: The Reverend Rosemary Parker
Preacher: Joe Million, Lay Reader
Reader: Cathy Pretty, St James’ Carleton Place
Musician: Michael Costello
Officiant: The Reverend Rosemary Parker
Preacher: Joe Million, Lay Reader
Reader: Cathy Pretty, St James’ Carleton Place
Musician: Michael Costello
April 12, 2020
The Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Day (Principle Feast)
Officiant: the Rev’d Canon Mary Ellen Berry
Preacher: the Venerable Brian Kauk
Readers: Joe and Brenda Million
Prayers of the People: Jennifer Bulman
Organist: Ian Guenette
The Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
Dramatic reading of the Passion according to St John
Officiant: the Reverend Rosemary Parker
Readers: Sylvia Giles, Brenda Million, Henry Troup, Jennifer Bulman, Joe Million, Peter Hicks, Beth and Tim McKibbin, Chris Jones
Wednesday in Holy Week – Day of discipline and self-denial
Prayers at Mid-day
Officiant: The Venerable Brian Kauk
Musician: Ian Guenette
Frederick Denison Maurice, Priest, 1872 (Com)
Prayers at Mid-day (contemplative)
Officiant: The Venerable Brian Kauk
Preacher: The Reverend Rosemary Parker
Reader: Sylvia Giles, St James’ Carleton Place
Musician: Michael Costello
Officiant: The Reverend Canon Mary Ellen Berry
Preacher: Peter Hicks, Lay Reader
Reader: Jennifer Bulman, Christ Church Ashton
Musician: Ian Guenette