‘Maundy’ is derived from the latin ‘mandatum’ which means basically “commandment.” Because Thursday night of Holy Week corresponds to the Last Supper, it includes Jesus saying, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you.” This is the night of that New Commandment. Maundy Thursday services traditionally include a focus on the Last Supper, not only as the beginning of the Triduum (the Great Three Days), but also as the institution of the Lord’s Supper, Eucharist, Communion. In many places, a foot washing service is included, and the service often ends with the Stripping of the Altar. Maundy Thursday ends with the starkness of the empty, bare altar. Our souls are bare as well, as we begin to walk through the rest of the weekend.
As part of our observance of Lent, we will be holding a potluck beginning at 5:30 pm April 17 at St. James CP in the parish hall. In keeping with the solemnity of the beginning of the Passion of Christ, we are planning to keep this meal simple.
Parishioners are asked to bring their own dinnerware and cutlery which you will take home to wash, keeping clean up to a minimum. After the meal, we will move quickly and quietly to the church for the service beginning at 7:00 pm.
Suggested potluck dishes might include lentil soup, flatbread, salad, dates, fruit.
There will be signup sheets at the entrances of our parish churches starting Sunday March 30th so you can indicate what you might bring.
For more information, please contact Brenda Million [email protected] or 613-451-0572