Calling all knitters and crocheters – are you interested in getting together once a month in the quiet room in Carleton Place to knit, hook and socialize? Join us 10:30-noon, on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month.
On Saturday, July 30th from 1 pm to 5 pm at Riverside Park, the community is invited to attend the Carleton Place Pride Festival. The event is advertised as “fun for the whole family,” and a variety of local businesses and community groups are participating. The purpose of the event is to celebrate Carleton Place’s diversity and show support for the LGBTQ2S+ members of our community. As in previous years, St. James is proud to participate in the event
Beginning June 26 until September 4 inclusive, our service times on Sundays will be 9 a.m. only.
Hello Everyone,
Your Pandemic Planning Team met on Monday, May 30th in regards to our Diocesan COVID Communiqué #103 issued on May 25, 2022. In this Communiqué we were advised that Parishes in our Diocese of Ottawa may move to the GREEN stage rules, A NEW APPROACH TO THE OLD WAYS, of the pandemic plan.
After a good discussion, your Pandemic Planning Team has determined that St. James, Carleton Place is, in general, ready to move to this stage.
What you need to know:
But, keep in mind, we are not ‘back to normal’. We are still operating within the parameters of the Pandemic Plan. We are just now in a modified GREEN STAGE with the acknowledgement that restrictions could increase if the virus resurges again as it did last Fall.
You can see Communiqué 103 from our Diocese here.
We thank you for all your effort over the past 2+ years to curtail/stop the spread of COVID-19 and we remind you that it is still very much in our community.
Take good care.
Wednesday, June 1 at 7 pm in the Parish Hall. Join Zach & Mary for an Information Session to learn more about becoming a host family and how things are proceeding with the Ukraine Diaspora Support Canada.
Ukraine Wish Tree: The Ukraine Support team has created a Wish Tree with specific donations listed on each Ukraine Flag. Items may be either gently used or purchased new. Please return your items & the flag to the church office. Location: Wooden tree on wall in Parish Hall.
The Ukraine Boutique is looking for reusable shopping bags. Drop off at the church office or bring to church next week.