Our next joint church service in the Parish of Mississippi Lake will take place Sunday, September 29.
Location: Christ Church Ashton at 11 AM. Cold potluck to follow.

Our next joint church service in the Parish of Mississippi Lake will take place Sunday, September 29.
Location: Christ Church Ashton at 11 AM. Cold potluck to follow.
with the Bowes Brothers. Friday, October 4. Dinner starts at 5 pm.
Tickets $25 each. Available at the church office during office hours.
Our Annual Cemetery Service will be Sunday, August 11 at 2 PM. Please bring a lawn chair.
Joint Service: Sunday, June 30. 10 a.m. St James Franktown. Outside service with cold potluck to follow. Bring a lawn chair and a cold dish to share.
The Old-fashioned Parish Picnic is on Friday, June 21st from 5 to 7pm at Riverside Park (a central location within the park). All are welcome!
Hot dogs, salads and frozen treats will be provided!
Following the meal, there will be a variety of classic church picnic games to participate in such as the egg-and-spoon race, potato sack race, a Jello-eating contest, water balloon toss and more.
Everyone is encouraged to bring a folding chair and enjoy the fun!
Father’s Day BBQ. Live music with Brownie & Friends. $25.00 each. Children 5 & under: Free; children between 6-10 years: $10. Enjoy a hamburger or hotdog; baked beans; salad; homemade pie; tea/coffee. Tickets now available at the church office. Cash bar.