Cathy Pretty, Parish Administrator
(613) 257-3178, press 0
Cathy enjoys cross stitching, knitting socks & caring for her home and family, when she is not playing with her granddaughters. As the Parish Administrator, Cathy is responsible for ensuring the wheels of ministry turn efficiently and answering your questions – or finding someone who can. Cathy works weekdays, from 9 am to 1 pm.

The Venerable Brian Kauk, Incumbent
(613) 257-3178, press 1
Brian enjoys woodworking, dogs and the creative process of new ministry development. Along with the Churchwardens, the Incumbent is responsible to the Bishop of Ottawa for all aspects of parish life, with a particular emphasis on liturgy, faith formation, pastoral care and administration. Brian also serves as Archdeacon of the Southwest Deanery in the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa.
The following people can be reach through the parish office. Please leave a message on the answering machine or speak with Cathy Pretty during office hours.
- Ian Guenette, Director of Music – (613) 257-3178, press 3
- Custodial services provided by Pat Poag