Lent 1
Presider: The Reverend Jonathan Askwith
Preacher: The Venerable Brian Kauk
Communion Assistant: Joe Million
Readers/Intercessor: Lynn Hyndman & Helen Vandermey
Musician: Ian Guenette
Live Production: Christopher Jones
Lent 1
Presider: The Reverend Jonathan Askwith
Preacher: The Venerable Brian Kauk
Communion Assistant: Joe Million
Readers/Intercessor: Lynn Hyndman & Helen Vandermey
Musician: Ian Guenette
Live Production: Christopher Jones
Transfiguration Sunday
Presider: The Venerable Brian Kauk
Communion Assistant: Ronette Vines
Readers/Intercessor: Geoffrey Nugent & Cheryl Devereux
Musician: Ian Guenette
Live Production: Ayden Swift
Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany
Presider: The Venerable Brian Kauk
Preacher: The Reverend Jonathan Askwith
Readers/Intercessor: Lynn Hyndman & Jim Middleton
Musician: Ian Guenette
Live Production: Helen Vandermey
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
Presider: The Venerable Brian Kauk
Readers/Intercessor: Brenda & Joe Million
Musician: Ian Guenette
Live Production: Ian Parker
UPDATE, FEBRUARY 24 – This Sunday we will begin offering Holy Communion in both kinds across the Parish. We also found out this week that as of March 6, all parishes in the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa have the option of allowing presiders, preachers, readers and intercessors to remove their masks when speaking (other than that, everyone must remain masked, except to take communion). We welcome hearing from people who may have concerns one way or the other. Please speak with a churchwarden or contact the clergy at 613-257-3178 x 21.
UPDATE, FEBRUARY 17 – This week’s COVID Communiqué from our Diocese stated that congregational singing is now allowed. Those attending services in the churches in our Parish should assume that others attending the service may be singing, and measure the risk accordingly.
The clergy team announces that the churches of the Area Parish of Mississippi Lake will come back to in-person worship on Sunday, February 13 according to the following schedule:
For the time being, the parish office will be open for parishioners Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am to 1 pm. We please ask that you consider an email or a phone call instead of coming in person. Cathy is covering the phones during regular office hours, so call any day of the week.
It is more important than ever that anyone with COVID symptom should assume they have it and stay home.
When you come, you can expect something close to what we were doing before Christmas.
Please feel free to contact us with questions, feedback and concerns about this decision, or any other aspect of our church’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Presider: The Reverend Canon Mary Ellen Berry
Preacher: The Venerable Brian Kauk
Readers/Intercessor: Cora Nolan & Sylvia Giles
Musician: Ian Guenette
Live Production: Christopher Jones
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Presider: The Reverend Pat Blythe
Preacher: Peter Hicks, Lay Reader
Readers/Intercessor: Jim Middleton & David Moat
Musician: Michael Costello
Live Production: Ayden Swift
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Presider: The Venerable Brian Kauk
Preacher: The Reverend Jonathan Askwith
Readers/Intercessor: Geoffrey Nugent & Tom Gardiner
Musician: Ian Guenette
Live Production: Helen Vandermey
Indigenous Canada continues on Tuesdays with the final five sessions on the following dates. Tuesday, Jan 18, Feb 1, Feb 15, Mar 1, Mar 15 from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm.
Paul’s Shortest and Most Explosive Letter: Tuesday, Feb 8, Feb 22, Mar 8 from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. We’ll be taking a very close look at Paul’s letter to Philemon and discover exactly how Paul radically challenged the dominant mores of the time.
Prayer of Forgiveness: Saturday, March 5 at 9:30 am – 2:30 pm. In this workshop on Forgiveness, we will explore our attitudes toward Forgiveness and learn a method to facilitate the process of forgiving and being forgiven, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. There will be opportunities to practice the method and deepen our understanding of the importance of forgiveness as part of our spiritual growth in love.
Lenten Knit-Along: More details to follow.
Pentecost Retreat: Saturday, June 4. More details to follow. Save the date!