Stewardship at St James’ is about renewing our commitment to our mission, to value tradition and seek new ways to do God’s will, serving the world God loves. We plan to accomplish this renewal through stewardship, that is, using our collective gifts of time, talent and treasure to do God’s will.
We strive to serve God and our community through various ministries, including worship and prayer, opportunities for growing in faith, reaching beyond St. James to serve the wider world, and caring for one another as we journey through ordinary, difficult or joyful times. Your contribution truly makes a difference. We developed a Narrative Budget to show how we put our collective resources to work.
Watch the video highlights below and find out about important ministries at St James.
Do you feel called to do something? We would love to hear from you if you have a particular talent or some time to offer in one of our ministries.
All financial contributions are welcome, of any amount. You can make a regular contribution through traditional offering envelopes, our make use of the convenient Pre Authorized Remittance (PAR) program. Contact the office to start a regular contribution today, or to change your contribution amount.
If you would like to make a one-time donation to the ministry of St James, you we accept e-transfers at ‘[email protected]’. Make sure you let us know your mailing address if you want a tax receipt. Credit card transactions can be processed through Canada Helps. Visit our donation page to learn more.